Dr. Mike Massey, Director

D.Min., M.Div., M.A.B.C., ACBC Fellow

Pastor Mike Massey (teaching elder) has been in the pastorate since 1998. He has pastored in Texas, Iowa, Alaska, and Indiana. He is the founding pastor of Shawnee Bible Church. The first worship service of Shawnee Bible Church was February 20, 2011 in his living room.

Pastor Mike is committed to the ministry of the Word, which includes the public ministry of the Word (teaching Bible studies as well as the pulpit ministry) and the private ministry of the Word (personal discipleship and biblical counseling). This is why our commitment and our emphasis is on “the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry.”

Pastor Mike is a graduate of The Criswell College (M.Div. 2000), The Master’s University (M.A.B.C. 2014), and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min. 2018). He also has a special interest in personal discipleship and biblical counseling. He is a Fellow and board member of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

Mike has been married to Dawnda, whom he met in college, since 1984. They have 10 children plus a couple of extra kids that God has brought their way. Mike & Dawnda are currently expecting their 23rd  grandchild.


Terenda Lester, Counselor

ACBC Certified

In 2009, I moved to Shawnee, after a military assignment of five years in Anchorage Alaska. In a time of great pain in my marriage, my husband and I “stumbled” upon Biblical counseling. After about six months of intense counseling, my marriage had undergone a complete transformation. It was at this moment, that I realized the Word of God was completely sufficient and I wanted to be an instrument in God’s hands to help others. In 2015 I completed my ACBC certification and began counseling at Grace Counseling Center.

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
~2 Timothy 3:16-17



Marianne Castillo

BA in Biblical Studies: Biblical Counseling, ACBC Certified


In July of 2022, I moved to Shawnee after completing a one year residency as a biblical counseling resident at a local church in Washington state. It was during my time in the program that I began to witness the powerful Word of God transform the hearts and minds of young women and bring great hope and comfort to those who were suffering. I am thankful for the ACBC training I have received and I look forward to learning more on how to apply Gods sufficient Word to others lives. 

Marianne graduated from the Masters College in 2021 with a Bachelors in Biblical Counseling and completed her ACBC certification in June of 2022.